Monday, May 3, 2010

Goodbye NOLA

Hi Family and Friends,
After experiencing one of the largest natural disasters, and now one of the biggest man-made disasters in U.S. history, I figured it was about time to leave New Orleans. It has been an incredible five years even though it was book-ended by awful events. I really don't think I could have picked a better place to spend such formative years. Anyone who has been here knows that it is a city you will never forget. It just gets in your blood. I know I will be back, but for now its on to the next step.
For me, that means moving to Peru to explore more of the world. I hope this blog serves as an interesting look into where my adventures take me. Bye New Orleans


  1. Good Luck Hugh! Look forward to hearing about your adventures!

  2. Hi Hugh! so glad you invited me to your blog! whatcha doing in peru?? im planning on going to peru for 1-2 weeks in july to macchu picchu if that is something that you would want to join in on?? let me know if you even want to come south! i live about 45 mins north of valparaiso in chile. cant wait to hear about your travels! here's a link to my blog:
